Sunday, April 22, 2007

Get Riel

Sen and I had been working in her ship. Refining some ideas on the forthcoming changes for my own, and I found myself awake when I'd normally be napping on the chez lounge.

Consequently, last night, I was lucky enough to attend the RezDay party of our Duchess Gabrielle Riel, and I'm jolly glad I did. A splendid hop that erred towards the jazz and swing in the wee small hours.

Caledon has rung with "Radio Gabrielle" (playing an eclectic mix of Caledon-friendly music in it's homes and streets) for many months. We have danced in her home (Coughton Court in Caledon Carntaigh) to the best of the 90s silver screen, shaken our Victorian booty to her fine collection of rave anthems, skipped down memory lane into 80s nostalgia, and witnesses the 'Duchess Sandwich' (the lady has a tasty buffet, I will say no more). Her colonial tones are the voice of free Caledon.

NB: I must reiterate here what a bang up, number one, smashing job she did at my 400th birthday.

This evening she had news for us all. There is to be a "Radio Reil", and other voices are to join her in Caledons very own channel! There is to be a podcast as well. Hearing the dulcet tones of the likes of Mr Caliber and Mr Pearse makes one marvel at the future of this fragile world and the international nature of Caledons inhabitants. Bravo! And happy RezDay to our beautiful Duchess :-)

For now at least, one can set ones music URL in the About Land>Media tab to:

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